Songyuan No.12 Foreign Hostel
Double Room: 12 RMB / person / day, 4,000 RMB / year
Single Room: 24 RMB / person / day, 8,000 RMB / year
Equipped with air conditioner, electric water heater, internet access, squatting pan, public kitchen, public laundry room and complete set of furniture.
Liuyuan No.17 Foreign Hostel
Double Room: 25 RMB / person / day, 9,125 RMB / year
Single Room: 50 RMB / person / day, 18250 RMB / year
Equipped with elevator, air conditioner, heater, electric water heater, TV, internet, pedestal pan, public kitchen, public laundry room and complete set of furniture.
Accommodation for Medical School Students
For undergraduates:
Double room: RMB 4000 RMB / year
Single room: RMB 8000 RMB / year
Broad band access fee 20 RMB / month is not included. Every room is equipped with a complete set of furniture, bath-room, heater, electric water heater and telephone.
For post graduates:
Double room:6760 RMB / year
single room: 13,520 RMB / year
Broad band access fee 20 RMB / month is not included. Every room is equipped with a complete set of furniture, bath-room, heater, electric water heater and telephone.