New project with City University of Hongkong
On April, 3 the Deputy President of Hongkong City University, the Dean of the Institute of scientific research and graduate study prof. Wang Shiquan and accompanied him colleges from the commercial college and material engineering college, at all 6 man, visited our university.
After acquaintance with situation in university, two sides singed an agreement about join cultivating Doctor’s Degree students. Starting with 2006 year annual number of participating in this project students have to be no more than 20. The students will be selected from Master Degree and Doctor Degree students of Zhengzhou University. It is designed that after first year of study in Zhengzhou University when students will choose a common required course and special basic course, they can go to City University Shenzhen academe for continuing of their studies. City University provides students with a scholarship of 2000 yuan. The term of study should be no more than four years.
In afternoon the professor Wang Shiquan gave a lecture for students and teachers of Mathematics Department on theme of stokes phenomena.
Hongkong City University is one of the eight state colleges of Hongkong special district. Among 500 world famous universities it ranks the 307-th. Zhengzhou University started to cooperate with this university from 2002 year. The main branches of City University of Hongkong are science and technology, business, applied sciences, law and administration. The wide range of programmes is offered by three Faculties: Business, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Engineering, by the School of Creative Media, the School of Law, the Division of Building Science and Technology, and the Community College of City University. It established solid relationships with 209 institutions and university of the world. For the past several years the City University of Hongkong developed the relationships with mainland universities and scientific research institutions such as Beijing normal university and Wuhan University.
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- New project with City University of Hongkong
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